
Slab formworks

Slab formworks: the form library

Forms from the main French, Swiss and German formwork manufacturers exist in the software (Hussor, Outinord, Sateco, Peri, Doka, Hunnebeck). The formwork blocks are represented in the 3 views, top, side, rear and in 3D.
The user can also integrate new manufacturers or internal forms in the company. It is also possible to mix the use of 2 or more formwork manufacturers in the same drawing, for example the wall formwork using HUSSOR formwork, and the elevator shaft using PERI modular panels.

Interactive wall formwork

Whether in building or civil engineering, you will be able to form in an interactive way using a dialog box in AutoCAD the sails in 2D or 3D. This will allow you to assign the shutters to the wall in real time and rotate them from one phase to the next.
We start by creating the trains, here 3 trains of 480, 2 trains of 240, 1 of 120 and 1 of 60.

We select the 1st veil (in red of day 1) and we assign it 2 trains of 480, 1 train of 60 and 1 train of 240.

If you select a 2nd sail from the same day 1, the list of available trains is updated, there is only one train of 480, one train of 240 and one of 120 available.

On the other hand, if you select a sail from day 2 (in yellow), the list of departure trains is again available.

This method is useful for sails of any shape, it is thus possible to control at any time the position of the formwork in relation to the inclination of the wall and the openings by launching the generation of the rear view with the trace of the formwork and the position of the formwork. rod holes.

Rotation de banches

Layout of facades

To meet the architect’s requirements for the layout, the architectural facade is displayed, a plan in PDF format or an image in JPG format. With this tool, we superimpose in dynamic on the facade under AutoCAD, the panels in transparency, which makes it possible to see where the pouring stops and the rod holes fall.

Slab formworks

When the number of sails trimmed on the same floor becomes large (beyond 50 sails to be cast over a cycle of 20 days or more, the method explained above is no longer profitable.
It is preferable to use the train manager which allows you to quickly define the necessary equipment and then optimize it.
Once the sails have been entered in AutoCAD, it is automatically injected into the train manager, which looks like an Excel table without being one.
There is one line per sail where the day, length and type are indicated (Blocked 2 sides, 1 side or free). Sails can be sorted by day, by decreasing length, by formwork residue and by type.

Rotation de banches

The user begins by selecting from the table of formwork manufacturers, the form supplier, the lengths of formwork available, their quantity in the event that it is limited by a stock.

A first tool allows you to roughly define the number of trains or shutters needed.

Rotation de banches

Using a graphic tool, the user composes the trains with the sub-risers, formwork and risers.

If the company is not used to working with trains, then trains are only made up of single forms.

Rotation de banches

The user can run the trains one by one or all at once automatically. The software assigns the trains to the sails by seeking to reuse the trains for a maximum of days. The reuse rate is calculated in real time. The automatic sails allocation by the software can, of course, be changed by the user.

It is possible to selectively treat certain sails, for example blocked sails. In the table below, the blocked sails are displayed separately in the first rows. Likewise, some trains can be reserved for a category of sails.

Slab formworks: Height of disparate sails

In the example below, La Cité de l’Océan in Biarritz, there are 9 sails heights. It then becomes difficult to run the trains.

Rotation de banches

The train manager allows you to create families of wall heights for which the same formwork heights will be used. By working on the sails displayed by family, it becomes more convenient to assign the trains of each family to the sails of the corresponding family.

The everyday forms are then automatically inserted in the AutoCAD drawing according to what has been defined in the train and form manager. To check each pour day, we use the dialog box below for the display by day. You can select the entities to display per day including the floor areas.

You can change the order of the formwork on a veil to offset the stems of the formwork relative to the mannequins, replace one or more formwork …
When a wall changes the casting day or the casting of part of the sails is postponed due to a delay on the site, the modifications are automatically transferred to the train and form manager and the assignment of the forms to the sails. is updated.
The nomenclatures are automatic, there are about ten tables of nomenclatures

Rotation de banches


The rotation notebook showing the sails with the formwork and the floors per day is created automatically by the software. In an AutoCAD presentation, we insert the title block, the texts that we want to appear every day and we launch the creation of presentations day by day in 2D or 3D. You can also choose the option to gray out already sunk sails.

Rotation de banches

The software is supplied with the list of form weights in section and in plan according to the heights so as to make them appear especially when we are on high sails.

Rotation de banches

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