


Partners : our partnership with equipment manufacturers

In order to be in perfect harmony with the structural work equipment on the market, the developers of MéthoCAD approached the equipment manufacturers from the start of writing the software.
The algorithms are configured so that they can integrate new hardware or new technology from an existing manufacturer at any time.
Most of the equipment, cranes, machines, formwork, gearbox consoles from the main French, German and Swiss manufacturers are integrated into the software. (Potain, Liebherr, Caterpillar, Outinord, Hussor, Sateco, Alphi, Ischbeck, Hunnebeck).
MéthoCAD now includes a library of more than 10,000 graphic symbols in AutoCAD produced in collaboration with manufacturers.
The company thus has a reliable source of regularly updated information.

Partners : HUSSOR

HUSSOR, one of the first French formwork manufacturers, approached us in the 1980s to set up CAD in their design office.
Our company is one of the first users of AutoCAD CAD on PC.
An intense collaboration has started between our 2 companies; this makes it possible to have very detailed HUSSOR hardware in the software.
In addition, HUSSOR sales representatives direct companies wishing to entrust their studies to HUSSOR to our company, with a view to reducing the workload of the Design Office.
Many of these companies have thus acquired the software form rotation tool in order to carry out their studies quickly internally.

Partenaires MéthoCAD

Partners : SATECO

SATECO, manufacturer of formwork and safety equipment, is one of the trio of the largest French suppliers on the market, using MéthoCAD software for many years.
Initially, the software comprehensively included the hardware, the forms and the security consoles.
Most of the time, SATECO offers are accompanied by formwork rotation plans, whether for customers in France or internationally.
The plans of many prestigious projects are made with the software, for example, in Indonesia, the Taman Rasuna project in Jakarta or the extension of the airport of Honk Kong.

Partenaires MéthoCAD

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